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Weather update

GOOD MORNING! Our phone has been ringing off the hook seeing if we are safe here in Clearwater. We are SOOOO lucky! What started off to be a devastating prediction ended up being totally incorrect. Very fortunate for us but very unfortunate for our friends and family to the South near Punta Gorda and Fort Myers. The damage down there was more than devastating as basically a Cat 5 storm came ashore. Most of the people there really did not have much time to prepare properly. This storm affected most of the state and Clearwater fared almost the best with very little damage.

We still have 30-40 knot winds for most of the day. Prior to the storm, we moved 20 boats with several being moved into an airplane hanger and the rest staked down in our hard and just outside along the fence. SO FAR SO GOOD! The only damage we have had is the back panel of our 20′ tent blow out which had needed to be replaced anyway.

We are expecting the beach to probably open soon. It had been evacuated and closed as a precaution for the storm. Once it is open, we will double check but we expect minimal damage. We have had several Tropical storms here and that is basically what we ended up with.

Once we have had a chance to check everything out we will be updating everyone with regards to the Worlds.

Florida’s leaders have done a fabulous job staging all kinds of people to get things up and running quickly. They have 43,000 linemen staged and countless rescue, national guard, vehicles and boats, rescue helicopters, temp cell towers staged that are already operating. They are going in FULL FORCE! The next 24 hours should be pretty amazing for our Southern neighbors.